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?Internetwork is the method of interconnecting two LAN networks using network devices.By internetworking, computers in different floor can work separately and by connecting switches of different floors to router, workstations can access to internet using router connected to ISP.switch can be connected to server computer

?or form a LAN.????

Original text

‏Internetwork is the method of interconnecting two LAN networks using network devices.

‏ • In this case, new workstations of another floor can be connected together using switch and

‏ switch can be connected to server computer

‏ connected together using a separate switch.

‏ • LANs can be connected together because to join both group of computers in different floors and share files other resources between them.

‏ By internetworking, computers in different floor can work separately and by connecting switches of different floors to router, workstations can access to internet using router connected to ISP.

‏ or form a LAN. Then, servers in different floor can be

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