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The old man's eye.- it indicates a lack of visual clarity
and reliability of the man.A watch
is a visual and auditory representation of time.The narrator, who literally controls the time of
death for the old man, compares himself to a watch's minute hand.It is a symbol of narrator's paranoia and
insanity: "I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! ... Whenever it fell
upon me, my blood ran cold".It symbolizes the narrator's guilt.That's why he did't trust people and was
afraid of surrounding world.???

Original text

The old man’s eye. It is a symbol of narrator’s paranoia and
insanity: “I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! … Whenever it fell
upon me, my blood ran cold”.

  • it indicates a lack of visual clarity
    and reliability of the man. That’s why he did’t trust people and was
    afraid of surrounding world.
     The watch. The narrator several times mentioned a watch. A watch
    is a visual and auditory representation of time. Time symbolize the
    approach of death. The narrator, who literally controls the time of
    death for the old man, compares himself to a watch's minute hand.
     The Heartbeat. It symbolizes the narrator’s guilt. He thought that
    he heard the heartbeat of the old man. But he heard his own heart,
    subconsciously he understood what he had done.
     The bed and the bedroom. In such place as a bedroom we feel
    ourselves safe, because it’s our own place, where can’t be any threat
    for us. But Poe shows a bedroom as a place of murder and the bed –
    as a weapon.

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