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During the first three months of life, infants undergo significant development in their auditory behavior.These coos are often precursors to later babbling and serve as early attempts at vocal communication.They may also engage in "conversations" by taking turns making sounds with caregivers. 7. Discrimination of Speech Sounds (2-3 months): Infants become more sensitive to the phonetic elements of their native language. They can distinguish between different speech sounds and may respond differently to familiar and unfamiliar sounds. 8. Babbling (3 months): Towards the end of the third month, infants typically start babbling. Babbling involves the repetition of consonant-vowel combinations (e.g., "ba-ba-ba" or "da-da-da").Additionally, the support, interactions, and exposure to auditory stimuli provided by caregivers play a significant role in shaping an infant's auditory development during this period.Vocalization (2-3 months): Infants begin to experiment with more varied vocalizations and may produce a range of sounds, including coos, gurgles, and laughter.Here is a general overview of the auditory milestones that typically occur during this period:

1.Startle Reflex (0-1 month): Newborns have a startle reflex, also known as the Moro reflex, in response to loud or sudden noises.Cooing (1-3 months): Infants start to produce cooing sounds, such as vowel-like or consonant-vowel combinations.Sound Localization (0-3 months): Infants begin to demonstrate the ability to turn their heads or shift their gaze toward the source of a sound.They may show a heightened interest in and awareness of auditory stimuli, particularly voices.Response to Music (1-3 months): Infants may display increased interest in music or rhythmic sounds.They might become calm or attentive when exposed to soothing melodies or lullabies.It's important to note that these milestones serve as general guidelines, and individual infants may reach them at slightly different ages.Discrimination of Voices (0-3 months): Infants can distinguish between familiar voices and other sounds.They may show a preference for their parents' voices and become attentive or calm in response to them.It is a crucial stage in the development of language.When exposed to a loud sound, they may throw their arms and legs out and then bring them back toward their body.

Original text

During the first three months of life, infants undergo significant development in their auditory behavior. Here is a general overview of the auditory milestones that typically occur during this period:

  1. Startle Reflex (0-1 month): Newborns have a startle reflex, also known as the Moro reflex, in response to loud or sudden noises. When exposed to a loud sound, they may throw their arms and legs out and then bring them back toward their body.

  2. Sound Localization (0-3 months): Infants begin to demonstrate the ability to turn their heads or shift their gaze toward the source of a sound. They may show a heightened interest in and awareness of auditory stimuli, particularly voices.

  3. Discrimination of Voices (0-3 months): Infants can distinguish between familiar voices and other sounds. They may show a preference for their parents' voices and become attentive or calm in response to them.

  4. Cooing (1-3 months): Infants start to produce cooing sounds, such as vowel-like or consonant-vowel combinations. These coos are often precursors to later babbling and serve as early attempts at vocal communication.

  5. Response to Music (1-3 months): Infants may display increased interest in music or rhythmic sounds. They might become calm or attentive when exposed to soothing melodies or lullabies.

  6. Vocalization (2-3 months): Infants begin to experiment with more varied vocalizations and may produce a range of sounds, including coos, gurgles, and laughter. They may also engage in "conversations" by taking turns making sounds with caregivers.

  7. Discrimination of Speech Sounds (2-3 months): Infants become more sensitive to the phonetic elements of their native language. They can distinguish between different speech sounds and may respond differently to familiar and unfamiliar sounds.

  8. Babbling (3 months): Towards the end of the third month, infants typically start babbling. Babbling involves the repetition of consonant-vowel combinations (e.g., "ba-ba-ba" or "da-da-da"). It is a crucial stage in the development of language.

It's important to note that these milestones serve as general guidelines, and individual infants may reach them at slightly different ages. Additionally, the support, interactions, and exposure to auditory stimuli provided by caregivers play a significant role in shaping an infant's auditory development during this period.

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