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The term psychosocial pertains o Psychosocial actiites are therefore looking at the interconnectedness of social- collectie issues, indiiidual-personal internalized states, and the cultural and anthropological constructs around this relaton, and not merely at the social implicatons of mental care, or at the psychological implicatons of social needs and related responses. 6 we can explain this by a)Basic science: aims to understand a subject :
b) Applied science: the research fndings are used to solve practical problems or improve the quality of life e.g. poor academic achievement of students, decrease productivity of the workers.o Time Constraints o Staffing shortages o Lack of training and education o Stigma and Lack of Awareness o Personal stress and burnout o Personal bias or attitudes o Patient Load and complexity o Communication Challenges
Dimensions of Society a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common o Defnition: traditions, institutions, and collective activities and, cultural and economic factors are the main determinants of health
Importance of studying psychosocial o Psychosocial care emphasizes )sure) interventions to assist individuals who are having dificulty coping with the emotional aspects of illness, with life crises that afect health and health care.o The reasons for this is the norms and values on which nursing practice is unknown
Psychosocial Nursing: Nurses often must care for patients with: o Intense emotional responses to illness o Personality styles that make care dificult o Psychiatric disorders o Stresses and family problems that afect patients' reactions to illness or hospitalization
o Nursing should care for the whole person.Aspects or Dimension of psychosocial health Social health, Emotio nal health, Spiritua l health, Mental health,
Defnition: Dimensions of Psychology
The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings o Outpatient programs and home health care are now being used more to address problems in place of inpatient care.The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings o Psychosocial and psychiatric patient problems complicate the demands made on the nurse in an already stretched health-care environment and can negatively afect patient outcome.o When the nurse has skills readily at hand to identify problems and intervene efectively, patient outcomes can be improved and nurse satisfaction will be enhanced
Psychosocial holistic care?Psychosocial factors o Such as family problems, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and violence o Social and cultural factors are strongly associated with iarious life processes of the human being.o To work within this system, the nurse must quickly identify the patient's needs, establish a realistic plan of care, implement interventions, and evaluate outcomes, all within a predetermined length of time.4
Psychologists use systematic method to gather data, analyze them and interpret the meaning of their fndings and developing theories.5
II -Psychology promote human welfare: regardless to whether will have immediate practical efect e.g. emotions, attitudes, motivations, and thoughts.Cont..........?????????????
The term psychosocial pertains
• Psychosocial actiites are therefore looking at the interconnectedness of social- collectie issues, indiiidual-personal internalized states, and the cultural and anthropological constructs around this relaton, and not merely at the social implicatons of mental care, or at the psychological implicatons of social needs and related responses.
• psychosocial is usually referred to the contnuum of care, while mental health refers to specialized mental care.
Psychosocial factors
• Such as family problems, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and violence
• Social and cultural factors are strongly associated with iarious life processes of the human being.
social, cultural and economic factors are the main determinants of health
Importance of studying psychosocial
• Psychosocial care emphasizes )sure) interventions to assist individuals who are having dificulty coping with the emotional aspects of illness, with life crises that afect health and health care.
• Problems with depression, anger, substance abuse, or grief(sadness) can infuence a patient’s response to illness or to the interventions of the health-care system.
• Nurse has a responsibility to facilitate each patient’s adaptations to his or her unique stresses by helping and supporting the person in his or her environment, level of wellness, and adjustment to the illness or condition.
• Identifying the patient’s coping responses, maximizing strengths, and maintaining integrity will help the nurse meet this responsibility.
Psychosocial Nursing
• Research fndings indicate that nurses often fail to provide patients with supportive psychosocial nursing care.
• The reasons for this is the norms and values on which nursing practice is unknown
Psychosocial Nursing: Nurses often must care for patients with:
• Intense emotional responses to illness
• Personality styles that make care dificult
• Psychiatric disorders
• Stresses and family problems that afect patients’ reactions to illness or hospitalization
• Nursing should care for the whole person.
• Patient center care means putting the patient’s
experience at the center of the caring process.
• As mental illnesses are common in the physically ill patients.
• Nurses often lack the skills, knowledge and confdence to provide holistic care .
Psychosocial Nursing
• But nurses can be profcient in managing patients’ physical health problems and yet be less prepared to manage emotional problems.
• providing holistic care, spiritual care, support to the patient and family members, and showing empathy
. تطعطاطططف

The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings
• Patients with psychosocial and psychiatric problems often require many more resources than patients without such problems.
• A patient’s emotional reactions can increase his or her length of stay in the hospital or under a nurse’s care, can contribute to the patient’s not complying with care.
The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings
• Once these patient problems are identifed, the nurse needs to use skills to meet the patient’s needs while making judicious use of available resources
• It has led to shortened hospital stays and limitations in available resources
The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings
• Outpatient programs and home health care are now being used more to address problems in place of inpatient care.
• To work within this system, the nurse must quickly identify the patient’s needs, establish a realistic plan of care, implement interventions, and evaluate outcomes, all within a predetermined length of time.
The role of psychosocial nursing in managed-care settings
• Psychosocial and psychiatric patient problems complicate the demands made on the nurse in an already stretched health-care environment and can negatively afect patient outcome.
• When the nurse has skills readily at hand to identify problems and intervene efectively, patient outcomes can be improved and nurse satisfaction will be enhanced
Psychosocial holistic care?
• Time Constraints
• Staffing shortages
• Lack of training and education • Stigma and Lack of Awareness • Personal stress and burnout
• Personal bias or attitudes
• Patient Load and complexity
• Communication Challenges
Dimensions of Society
a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common
• Defnition:
traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests.
• The main goal to study Sociology is understanding human behaviour within social contexts.
• Psychosocial disorder is maladjusted cognitive and behavioural processes.
• Psychosocial disabilities is People who have received a mental health diagnosis
• Psychosomatic disorder is Interrelationships between physical and mental health.
Aspects or Dimension of psychosocial health
Social health,
Emotio nal health,
Spiritua l health,
Mental health,
Dimensions of Psychology
Aspects of psychology
I -Psychology is a science
• May not seem to you as much of a science like Anatomy or Chemistry and Biology. (psychologists study things that can’t be put in a tube or under a microscope).
• Psychologists try to understand behaviors, and relations between variables and issues (deal with sensations or perception).
Examples: -
-Why twins develop diferent personalities?
-Why women are more emotionally expressive than men are?
• So, we can conclude that:
the Psychology deals with (why and how).
Psychologists use systematic method to gather data, analyze them and interpret the meaning of their fndings and developing theories.
(example: research studies)
A theory:
• (Attempt (try) to ft all known, relevant facts into a logical explanations).
II –Psychology promote human
regardless to whether will have immediate practical efect
e.g. emotions, attitudes, motivations, and
• Some people thinks that basic science is a wasting of time and money.
we can explain this by
a)Basic science: aims to understand a subject
b) Applied science: the research fndings are used to solve practical problems or improve the quality of life
e.g. poor academic achievement of students, decrease productivity of the workers.
Patient education in psychosocial
• Patient education is an important component of psychosocial care.
• Nurses are required to incorporate appropriate patient education in their practice.
• To provide adequate education, the nurse needs to be aware of how psychosocial issues infuence learning.
• Assessing the patient’s anxiety level or disturbed thoughts will infuence the timing of teaching as well as the type of information the nurse tries to convey (send).
• Patient education can enhance the patient’s independence and control, involvement of the patient and his or her family in the treatment plan.
• Patient education help prepare the patient for possible emotional changes, coping skills needed, and responses to medications.
• Patient education can be infuential in reducing length(long)of stay and helping patients to take more responsibility for their own care.
Factors can afect patient education
• Patients’ cultural beliefs
• Language
• Knowledge and access to computer technology
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