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Byron's clubfoot tormented him, both in the degree of physical pain he experienced and in the mental anguish it caused.The article also described how he had been mistreated by a servant who, "was perpetually beating him." Byron's prospects improved at the age of 10 with the death of his great uncle, William Lord Byron. He inherited the title along with the estate, Newstead Abby in Nottinghamshire, placing him in the aristocracy. In 1805, he went to Cambridge with, "too much money, an idle, dissolute life and the temptations that beset a lad of seventeen."His title and guaranteed income permitted him to escape the constraints of his early life and become Lord Byron, the poet.

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Byron’s clubfoot tormented him, both in the degree of physical pain he experienced and in the mental anguish it caused. His father died in 1791, when he was three-years-old, and his mother was impulsive, had a violent temper, and was prone to frequent outbursts of anger.
A February 26, 1898 New York Times article, “Byron as a Boy. His Mother’s Influence – His School Days and Mary Chaworth,” noted that he owed to his mother, “besides his constitutional tendency to fatness, his irritability, jealousy, and caprice…personal vanity, his melancholy, his superstition.” The article also described how he had been mistreated by a servant who, “was perpetually beating him.”
Byron’s prospects improved at the age of 10 with the death of his great uncle, William Lord Byron. He inherited the title along with the estate, Newstead Abby in Nottinghamshire, placing him in the aristocracy.
In 1805, he went to Cambridge with, “too much money, an idle, dissolute life and the temptations that beset a lad of seventeen.” His title and guaranteed income permitted him to escape the constraints of his early life and become Lord Byron, the poet.

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