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Ali and his classmates sit next to each other in an eighth-grade science class in Saudi Arabia.For one, teachers are going to need more training in using tablet instruction.Using the Global Book Series app, schoolchildren from other countries create and upload presentations about their countries with photos and videos.American students then access this digital library on their tablets and go on tours of cities in Russia, Belgium, and New Zealand from people who actually live there.As an example, students in a history class in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are using an app to discover and "rebuild" an ancient city. To start, they take a video tour of the ancient city of Petra. With tablet technology, they can "walk through" it as if they were really there.Studies have shown that having tablets in the classroom can improve students' test scores.A study of 266 kindergarten students in the United States showed that students with tablets scored higher on every reading test, compared to students without them (Bebell et al. 2012).In return, American students then share their own tours of cities in the U.S. In today's world, tablet computers are revolutionizing education.Finally, with special software, they turn their designs into a presentation and share them instantly on their screens.Without tablets, students are limited to communicating with their teacher and the other students in their classroom.Their students have used Twitter and Skype to share math problems and tweet about tadpoles3.Another study in California reported that middle school students with iPads did 20 percent better on their math tests, compared to students who just used a textbook (Bonnington 2012).When students' scores on an online test are low, teachers can direct them right away to a video or website for extra instruction.For this reason, governments around the world are also investing millions in fast, reliable Internet for schools and cities, but this will take time.In the U.S., young students are learning about world geography not through maps but through real people online.Countries around the world are investing millions in technology for education, and putting tablets in children's hands is one step toward their goal.With tablets, they have access to a much larger, global community.Students can also email or text their teachers for help and get instant feedback.Many governments predict the best jobs will require students to have strong computer skills.Experts believe this motivates students to learn more.

Original text

Ali and his classmates sit next to each other in an eighth-grade science class in Saudi Arabia.For one, teachers are going to need more training in using tablet instruction.Using the Global Book Series app, schoolchildren from other countries create and upload presentations about their countries with photos and videos.American students then access this digital library on their tablets and go on tours of cities in Russia, Belgium, and New Zealand from people who actually live there.As an example, students in a history class in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are using an app to discover and "rebuild" an ancient city. To start, they take a video tour of the ancient city of Petra. With tablet technology, they can "walk through" it as if they were really there.Studies have shown that having tablets in the classroom can improve students' test scores.A study of 266 kindergarten students in the United States showed that students with tablets scored higher on every reading test, compared to students without them (Bebell et al. 2012).In return, American students then share their own tours of cities in the U.S. In today's world, tablet computers are revolutionizing education.Finally, with special software, they turn their designs into a presentation and share them instantly on their screens.Without tablets, students are limited to communicating with their teacher and the other students in their classroom.Their students have used Twitter and Skype to share math problems and tweet about tadpoles3.Another study in California reported that middle school students with iPads did 20 percent better on their math tests, compared to students who just used a textbook (Bonnington 2012).When students' scores on an online test are low, teachers can direct them right away to a video or website for extra instruction.For this reason, governments around the world are also investing millions in fast, reliable Internet for schools and cities, but this will take time.In the U.S., young students are learning about world geography not through maps but through real people online.Countries around the world are investing millions in technology for education, and putting tablets in children's hands is one step toward their goal.With tablets, they have access to a much larger, global community.Students can also email or text their teachers for help and get instant feedback.Many governments predict the best jobs will require students to have strong computer skills.Experts believe this motivates students to learn more.

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