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The City of Silk The City of Silk, known as the City of Silk, is an innovative solution to the problems facing Kuwait.This majestic building will dominate the skyline, and it is just one example of the ways in which modern engineering allows designers to bypass the limitations of limited land.This tower.

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The City of Silk The City of Silk, known as the City of Silk, is an innovative solution to the problems facing Kuwait. This $ 130 billion project will create a new city that brings together residential, financial and commercial neighborhoods. Taking its name from the ancient Silk Roads that traversed Kuwait, the ultimate goal of the project is to cement Kuwait's position as the commercial center of the world, while providing the desired housing and lifestyle for the proposed city's 700,000 residents. The city will also create the city, which will be built in Subiya north of Kuwait City. It will be a unique city because its design has been completely and meticulously planned since its inception. In this way, 10 its growth will be less important than other cities, which often add housing and businesses as needed, but will benefit from the clear boundaries between residential, financial, commercial and entertainment areas. The design is not just about creating new living spaces, but creating an architectural space that invites contentment and luxury. The city will be built with its residents in mind and features large areas of green space along with around 450,000 new jobs. 15 with all the regular amenities that people are accustomed to in the modern world. In fact, to ensure the happiness of the residents, the city is designed to be more than three blocks away from the park or the water. The jewel in the crown of the City of Silk will be the Great Mubarak Tower. This tower. Which is 1001 meters high and 200 storeys high, and will house the equivalent of seven 20 vertical villages. This majestic building will dominate the skyline, and it is just one example of the ways in which modern engineering allows designers to bypass the limitations of limited land. You will not be

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