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"Power by the hour" like expensive machinery such as aircraft engines for decades.because these assets have a shorter life span compared with industrial assets, leasing can achieve a similar benefit, and predictive maintenance may be nonexistent, with replacement or warranty still preferred by consumers.On the household side, while nonconnected lower-value products such as food and toiletries have long been available by subscription, connected higher-value product subscriptions (for example, appliances and computers)

have become available but have so far trailed expectations.Instead of a fixed capital cost plus a maintenance fee, which can be financial win-wins for sellers and buyers.

Original text

“Power by the hour” like expensive machinery such as aircraft engines for decades. But connected assets of lesser complexity and value can now also be sold by the hour or year.
Instead of a fixed capital cost plus a maintenance fee, which can be financial win-wins for sellers and buyers. On the household side, while nonconnected lower-value products such as food and toiletries have long been available by subscription, connected higher-value product subscriptions (for example, appliances and computers)

have become available but have so far trailed expectations. because these assets have a shorter life span compared with industrial assets, leasing can achieve a similar benefit, and predictive maintenance may be nonexistent, with replacement or warranty still preferred by consumers.

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