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2- Methodology
Our system uses two Arduino microcontroller units (MCUs), each equipped with a laser diode and a laser phatanesistar sensor.Data Modulation: Manchester coding is a method of binary encoding in which each bit of data is represented by at least one voltage level change, which helps in synchronizing the clock and data recovery.Error Detection and Correction: You use Hamming codes, which are a family of linear error-correcting codes that can detect up to two-bit errors and correct one-bit errors
without requiring a retransmission.Serial Communication: Each Arduino is connected to a PC via serial communication.

Original text

2- Methodology
Our system uses two Arduino microcontroller units (MCUs), each equipped with a laser diode and a laser phatanesistar sensor. The methodology breaks down into several key
components: Transmission and Reception: One Arduino acts as the transmitter, converting textual data into laser light pulses. The other Arduino acts as the receiver, detecting these pulses with a phatanesistar and converting them back into text. Serial Communication: Each Arduino is connected to a PC via serial communication. Textual data is input at PC1,
sent to the transmitter Arduino, then through the laser link, and received by Arduino at PC2, which displays the
Error Detection and Correction: You use Hamming codes, which are a family of linear error-correcting codes that can detect up to two-bit errors and correct one-bit errors
without requiring a retransmission.
Data Modulation: Manchester coding is a method of binary encoding in which each bit of data is represented by at least one voltage level change, which helps in synchronizing the clock and data recovery. The entire system requires software for modulating the laser diode's output based on the data to be sent and for demodulating the received signals back into
digital data at the receiver's end.

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