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Cloud Computing is made up by aggregating two terms in the field of technology.In order to make efficient use of these resources and ensure their availability to the end users "Computing" is done based on certain criteria specified in SLA.First term is Cloud and the second term is computing.Cloud is a pool of heterogeneous resources.Clusters [1] are parallel and distributed systems, governed under the supervision of single administrative domain.
Grid [1] is aggregation of autonomous resources that are geographically distributed.Cloud is not a single domain
Clouds [1], [2] are not the combination of clusters and grid but are next generation to clusters and grid.This entity lies between end user and cloud provider.The developer of cloud must adhere to all the technical details of the cloud which are essential to meet the requirements of both, the cloud user as well as the cloud provider. Cloud developer has the responsibility of taking into consideration both the perspectives of the cloud (i.e. view of end user and cloud provider).We conclude our study in Section 4. Load balancing in cloud computing provides an efficient solution to various issues residing in cloud computing environment set-up and usage.They act as a home to Virtual Machines or several instances of Virtual machine entity aggregate to form a Host entity.A typical Cloud modeled using CloudSim consists of following four entities Datacenters, Hosts, Virtual Machines and Application as well as System Software.They act as a home to several Host Entities or several instances hosts' entities aggregate to form a single Datacenter entity.These entities allow user to set-up a basic cloud computing environment and measure the effectiveness of Load Balancing algorithms.During the lifecycle of a Cloud, CloudSim allows VMs to be managed by hosts which in turn are managed by datacenters.Load balancing must take into account two major tasks, one is the resource provisioning or resource allocation and other is task scheduling in distributed environment.Thus, similar instances of Virtual Machine are mapped to same instance of a Host based upon its availability.Cloudsim provides architecture with four basic entities.They are mapped to a host that matches their critical characteristics like storage, processing, memory, software and availability requirements.

Original text

Cloud Computing is made up by aggregating two terms in the field of technology.In order to make efficient use of these resources and ensure their availability to the end users "Computing" is done based on certain criteria specified in SLA.First term is Cloud and the second term is computing.Cloud is a pool of heterogeneous resources.Clusters [1] are parallel and distributed systems, governed under the supervision of single administrative domain.
Grid [1] is aggregation of autonomous resources that are geographically distributed.Cloud is not a single domain
Clouds [1], [2] are not the combination of clusters and grid but are next generation to clusters and grid.This entity lies between end user and cloud provider.The developer of cloud must adhere to all the technical details of the cloud which are essential to meet the requirements of both, the cloud user as well as the cloud provider. Cloud developer has the responsibility of taking into consideration both the perspectives of the cloud (i.e. view of end user and cloud provider).We conclude our study in Section 4. Load balancing in cloud computing provides an efficient solution to various issues residing in cloud computing environment set-up and usage.They act as a home to Virtual Machines or several instances of Virtual machine entity aggregate to form a Host entity.A typical Cloud modeled using CloudSim consists of following four entities Datacenters, Hosts, Virtual Machines and Application as well as System Software.They act as a home to several Host Entities or several instances hosts' entities aggregate to form a single Datacenter entity.These entities allow user to set-up a basic cloud computing environment and measure the effectiveness of Load Balancing algorithms.During the lifecycle of a Cloud, CloudSim allows VMs to be managed by hosts which in turn are managed by datacenters.Load balancing must take into account two major tasks, one is the resource provisioning or resource allocation and other is task scheduling in distributed environment.Thus, similar instances of Virtual Machine are mapped to same instance of a Host based upon its availability.Cloudsim provides architecture with four basic entities.They are mapped to a host that matches their critical characteristics like storage, processing, memory, software and availability requirements.

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