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is often a great deal of affection on both sides, but little camaraderie.The difficulty is that one acquires habits and mannerisms ; one is crusty and gruff if interfered with.Little boys are odd, tiresome creatures in many ways, with savage instincts; and I suppose many fathers feel that, if they are to maintain their authority, they must be a little dis- tant and inscrutable.All that is wanted is to be accessible and quietly genial.But, as Pater said, acquirin habits is failure in life.Of course, one must realise limitations, and learn in what regions one canA boy goes for sympathy and companionship to his mother and sisters, not often to his father.

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is often a great deal of affection on both sides, but little camaraderie. Little boys are odd, tiresome creatures in many ways, with savage instincts; and I suppose many fathers feel that, if they are to maintain their authority, they must be a little dis- tant and inscrutable. A boy goes for sympathy and companionship to his mother and sisters, not often to his father. Now a Don may do something to put this straight if he has the will. One of the best friends I ever had was an elderly Don at my own college, who had been a contemporary of my father's. He liked young men; and I used to consult him and ask his advice in things in which I could not well consult my own contem- parties. It is not necessary to be extravagantly youthful, to slap people on the back, to run with the college boat, though that is very pleasant if it is done naturally. All that is wanted is to be accessible and quietly genial. And under such influences, a young man may, without becoming elderly, get to understand the older point of view. The difficulty is that one acquires habits and mannerisms ; one is crusty and gruff if interfered with. But, as Pater said, acquirin habits is failure in life. Of course, one must realise limitations, and learn in what regions one can

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