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When 27-year-old Aron Ralston set out to climb in the remote Blue John Canyon in Utah one Sunday in May 2003, he had no idea that he would have to make an incredible sacrifice to stay alive.After hiking 5 miles, he came across a Dutch family who gave him water and helped him to walk on.

Meanwhile, Aron's friends and family had realized he was missing and notified authorities who found out Aron had used his credit card to buy groceries in Moab, Utah.Apart from his climbing gear, Aron carried only a backpack containing a small first aid kit, a knife, a video camera, one liter of water, and a

few snacks.He also works as a motivational speaker, helping disabled athletes and troubled teenagers.Aron had gone dimbing alone many times before, only this time, he hadn't told anyone where he was going and he didn't even take his cellphone.1

Aron had been climbing all day and was about to stop, but as he was crossing a 3-foot wide crack in the canyon, disaster struck; an 800-pound boulder moved and trapped his arm against the canyon wall.He struggled to get free, and using his penknife, tried to chip away at the boulder without success.

Original text

When 27-year-old Aron Ralston set out to climb in the remote Blue John Canyon in Utah one Sunday in May 2003, he had no idea that he would have to make an incredible sacrifice to stay alive.

Aron had gone dimbing alone many times before, only this time, he hadn't told anyone where he was going and he didn't even take his cellphone. Apart from his climbing gear, Aron carried only a backpack containing a small first aid kit, a knife, a video camera, one liter of water, and a

few snacks. 1

Aron had been climbing all day and was about to stop, but as he was crossing a 3-foot wide crack in the canyon, disaster struck; an 800-pound boulder moved and trapped his arm against the canyon wall. 2 There was no way he could move.

At first Aron hoped that help would arrive, but nobody came. He struggled to get free, and using his penknife, tried to chip away at the boulder without success. E Aron used his video camera to keep a video diary and then to record a goodbye message to his parents, Fighting exhaustion and dehydration, Aron became more and more delirious.

On the fifth day, Aron reached a decision to do the one thing the only thing that could save his life: to cut He used his body weight to

bend his arm until he felt it break. Then, using his blunt penknife, he slowly cut through his arm. The whole procedure took an hour. He administered first aid to himself, then he fixed a rope to the rock and climbed down nearly 70 feet to the canyon floor. After hiking 5 miles, he came across a Dutch family who gave him water and helped him to walk on.

Meanwhile, Aron's friends and family had realized he was missing and notified authorities who found out Aron had used his credit card to buy groceries in Moab, Utah. When a rescue helicopter crew finally spotted him, the rescuers were amazed to see Aron walking back to his truck. He hardly needed them to rescue him!

5 With his prosthetic arm, he has become a better climber than before his accident. He also works as a motivational speaker, helping disabled athletes and troubled teenagers. In 2010, a blockbuster movie came out about his experience called 127 hours, the exact amount of time he spent trapped. Aron still revisits Blue John Canyon to remember his desperate struggle to survive and return to his loved ones.

off his own arm.

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