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Life activity is daily activity and rest, a form of human existence.Risk (R) Risk the frequency of hazards, the ratio of the number of adverse consequences (n) for a person to their possible number (N) for a certain period of time (year),

R= n/N

Categories of safety depending on the risk of human death

I-conditionally safe R< 10+

II- relatively safe 104
III dangerous 103
IV- especially dangerous R > 10-2Probability of individual risk in various fields of activity

Activity field

Car accidents


Coal mining


Agriculture Lightning

Acceptable Risk

Absolute safety (zero risk) is impossible.National safety is a sum of officially accepted viewpoints concerning the aims and state strategy in the sphere of providing safety to an individual, society and the state from external and internal threats of political, economic, military, technogenic, ecological, informational and other character with regard to the existing resources and possibilities

Types of safety

2.Psycho-physiological factorsAxioms of life activity safety

any objects, processes, phenomena are potentially dangerous for humans:

any activity is potentially dangerous for humans;

?no activity can achieve absolute safety;

?the safety of any system can be achieved with any degree of probability, which, however, does not exclude the existence of the object.Axioms of life activity safety

?any objects, processes, phenomena are potentially dangerous for humans:

any activity is potentially dangerous for humans;

?no activity can achieve absolute safety;

?the safety of any system can be achieved with any degree of probability, which, however, does not exclude the existence of the object.The levels of adaptation

Physiological adaptation is defined as a sum of physiological reactions lying in the basis of an organism's adjustment to the changes in surrounding conditions and aimed to maintain a relative balance of its internal environment-homeostasis.

Original text

Life activity is daily activity and rest, a form of human existence.

Human life activity is carried out in continuous contact with his environment, surrounding objects and people.

Human habitat the environment surrounding a person, which at the moment is determined by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote impact on human life and health.LIFE ACTIVITY SAFETY

represents a branch of scientific knowledge which covers the theory and practice of protecting man against dangerous and harmful factors in all spheres of human activities, as well as preservation of safety and health in human habitat.




5 Search for Hazards

A Analyse the risk

F Find the cause

E Eliminate the coute

T Tell others

Y You are safe

➤ identification of negative effects of human habitat,

➤ protection from dangers and prevention of the impact of negative factors on a person;

liquidation of negative consequences of dangerous and harmful factors' effects;

creation of comfortable environment for people.


phenomena, processes, objects capable to damage human health or threaten his life.

Classification of dangers

  1. By ongin: natural

-Tectnogenic -anthropogenic

  1. Accontiring to the

duration of exposure constant



  1. By flow types in living space: mass

  2. According to the intensity of flows



size of the 6. According t Impact zone

By types of impact zone




emergency zones


extremely dangerous

local regional

Interregionat global


Classification of dangers

  1. According to the degree of completion of the impact on objects potential


  1. By selective identification of

danger by human serises:



  1. By type of negative impact: harmfu


  1. According to the number of people exposed to hazardous effects


  • group (collective3. Biological factors


pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi,) and products of their vital activity.

microorganisms (plants, animals)

  1. Psycho-physiological factorsAxioms of life activity safety

any objects, processes, phenomena are potentially dangerous for humans:

any activity is potentially dangerous for humans;

⚫no activity can achieve absolute safety;

⚫the safety of any system can be achieved with any degree of probability, which, however, does not exclude the existence of the object.Axioms of life activity safety

⚫any objects, processes, phenomena are potentially dangerous for humans:

any activity is potentially dangerous for humans;

⚫no activity can achieve absolute safety;

⚫the safety of any system can be achieved with any degree of probability, which, however, does not exclude the existence of the object.


Important characteristic of danger (a measure of possible danger) the frequency with which it can be shown.

Risk (R) Risk the frequency of hazards, the ratio of the number of adverse consequences (n) for a person to their possible number (N) for a certain period of time (year),

R= n/N

Categories of safety depending on the risk of human death

I-conditionally safe R< 10+

II- relatively safe 104

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