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I've thought about this a lot as recall thinking back when I was about 12 that each year to be born after mine was better.I'm at the tail end of the boomers and being born just a few years later was better because you then had sesame street, color TV, the big wheel, banana seat bikes, much better cartoons and shows.Then by around 2000 or so copious busy work gobs of homework and play time not being valued was apparent.By around '90 , The programming for kids has gotten even better but that difference isn't worth the further trade off of economic, career stress in families, less adult attention.Most important things: Play, adult emotional nurturing, mental stimulation that helps social and intellectual development.

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I’ve thought about this a lot as recall thinking back when I was about 12 that each year to be born after mine was better. So the status quo growing up that things got better makes the situation of today rather counter intuitive.

I’m at the tail end of the boomers and being born just a few years later was better because you then had sesame street, color TV, the big wheel, banana seat bikes, much better cartoons and shows. So this difference wasn’t huge but meant better to be born in 1968 vs 1961. Later still came far better shows, ones that maybe even showed you how to become bit more socially proficient-wow! But this wasn’t really till the early 90’s. A BIG difference especially for girls was getting to wear pants to school- this starting in 1970. Finally I could be warm and comfortable and play outside more freely. I’m not sure when business casual stopped as far as school dress so you could wear sneakers but I think It was around 1978.

By around ’90 , The programming for kids has gotten even better but that difference isn’t worth the further trade off of economic, career stress in families, less adult attention. And by the late 90’s those babies where already getting over structured, way too much homework and were more likely to have spent more hours in a day care.

Then by around 2000 or so copious busy work gobs of homework and play time not being valued was apparent. Also some bizarre more recent thing where kids just don’t go out and play and even tots are glued to a little screen-bizarre. All the texting, some is great but way to much little screen time- that just can’t be good. The TV and movies though has gotten better ’n better. And the internet is a game changer of course but while helpful for teens its not quite as valuable for a 4 year old.

While tech is neat, I’m not a techie and don’t value tech for techs sake. This seems like a minor point to make here but mention it as there seems some confusion. While tech is ultimately a game changer and perhaps a force the only things that make big difference are things that make a real profound difference in what you are engaged in- so yeah the internet theres one thing but a faster phone that is not a thing. A higher resolution TV-not a thing. There’s not been a holodeck or a flying car or androids or medicine that keeps you young and healthy. Only When these momentous inventions come out some of the trade off (if any) in childhood which is precious worth it -maybe..-

So putting it all together I vote for being born sometime between 1968 and 1977 ( the later nice as you get out of college at nice time to get a job. And if I had to pick a year, I’d choose around 1974. Most important things: Play, adult emotional nurturing, mental stimulation that helps social and intellectual development.

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