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This literature review demonstrated that MPs and other contaminants interact during the sewage sludge treatment process, and that changes in the characteristics of MPs can increase their toxicity.MPs in SS pose a potential toxicological risk to both humans and animals due to their ability to contain toxic additives, adsorb and concentrate environmental pollutants, and be ingested by organisms.5.

Original text

  1. Conclusions
    This literature review demonstrated that MPs and other contaminants interact during the sewage sludge treatment process, and that changes in the characteristics of MPs can increase their toxicity. MPs in SS pose a potential toxicological risk to both humans and animals due to their ability to contain toxic additives, adsorb and concentrate environmental pollutants, and be ingested by organisms. To mitigate the potential adverse health effects, measures must be taken to

Fig. 5. Diagrammatic depiction of the path of MPs into human organs through human activities.
reduce the release of MPs into the environment, regulate the use of SS as fertilizer, and conduct further research to better understand the toxicological effects of MPs in SS. To reduce associated toxicological hazards, waste management practices such as recycling and reducing single-use plastics should be implemented, and the use of SS as fertilizer should be regulated to minimize human and animal exposure to MPs and their associated pollutants. Future research should focus on identifying the contaminants absorbed by MPs at the field condition and on conducting experimental studies to assess the toxicological effects of MPs that contain other contaminants.

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