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In the beginning, we know that social media is through websites and electronic services that provide rapid delivery of information on a large scale and thus be a means of exchanging information over the Internet.We know that there are many advantages of social media and also many disadvantages, one of the advantages is that we can communicate with friends and family, we can form new relationships and learn new things through social media platforms, for example, we can learn how to organize our lifestyle or know The effect of fast food on our health As for the disadvantages of social media that can do great damage to our health and our psychological life, it can affect our health when spending a lot of time on social media It affects our eyesight and can cause problems during sleep, and it can also affect on social media and also affects our mental health through the people we meet via online platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram.

Original text

In the beginning, we know that social media is through websites and electronic services that provide rapid delivery of information on a large scale and thus be a means of exchanging information over the Internet.

We know that there are many advantages of social media and also many disadvantages, one of the advantages is that we can communicate with friends and family, we can form new relationships and learn new things through social media platforms, for example, we can learn how to organize our lifestyle or know The effect of fast food on our health As for the disadvantages of social media that can do great damage to our health and our psychological life, it can affect our health when spending a lot of time on social media It affects our eyesight and can cause problems during sleep, and it can also affect on social media and also affects our mental health through the people we meet via online platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram. In many cases, insult and bullying occur that makes a person lose confidence in himself, whether it is through a post, a video clip, or even an audio talk. Another downside is that a hacker can pose a danger to people because he can steal people's personal information and threaten them to gain interests from them. So people who use social media should be very careful People who use social media should set strong passwords to avoid hacking and make their account private. Those who are being bullied through social media should report it to an adult or the relevant authorities to deal with this type of bully. People who spend a lot of time on social media should organize their time and set a short time to avoid any health problems.

Social communication has also affected our social life during our study times, because of our constant preoccupation with working life, and also paying attention to the times we spend in it so that websites do not waste our time and steal our lives, so our religion has commanded us to preserve that life.

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