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That morning, a letter arrived addressed to Mr. Tom Swift."The Africans haven't a very good idea of the geography, but some of the villagers could draw maps, and Mr. Illingway asked them to sketch one for him, showing where the city of gold is located."Tom rushed to the shop, where he found his father and Mr. Damon working together.The worn and damaged envelope showed that it had travelled many thousands of miles."I've got some wonderful news," said Tom."Listen to this letter from Mr. Illingway. Remember, he was the man who taught me English," and he prepared to read it."Mr.Illingway tells of an amazing golden statue that he has discovered in a village in a country in Africa."That's incredible! Tell us some more," said Mr. Damon.asked his father darkly."Does Mr. Illingway give you any idea of its location? How will you ever find it?"Quickly, Tom ripped open the letter.No sooner had he read the first few lines than his eyes opened wide in wonder.He read the letter once, and then over again, and when he had finished it a second time, he ran to look for his father."This is getting exciting!""Where is this underground city, Tom?""He says it is somewhere in Mexico," explained Tom.

Original text

That morning, a letter arrived addressed to Mr. Tom Swift. The worn and damaged envelope showed that it had travelled many thousands of miles. Quickly, Tom ripped open the letter. No sooner had he read the first few lines than his eyes opened wide in wonder. He read the letter once, and then over again, and when he had finished it a second time, he ran to look for his father.

Tom rushed to the shop, where he found his father and Mr. Damon working together.

"I've got some wonderful news,” said Tom. “Listen to this letter from Mr. Illingway. Remember, he was the man who taught me English," and he prepared to read it."Mr. Illingway tells of an amazing golden statue that he has discovered in a village in a country in Africa. The people there said the statue was brought to the village by an explorer who claimed that it comes from a far-off underground city that is made of solid gold!”

"That’s incredible! Tell us some more," said Mr. Damon. "This is getting exciting!"

"Where is this underground city, Tom?" asked his father darkly. "Does Mr. Illingway give you any idea of its location? How will you ever find it?"

"He says it is somewhere in Mexico," explained Tom. "The Africans haven't a very good idea of the geography, but some of the villagers could draw maps, and Mr. Illingway asked them to sketch one for him, showing where the city of gold is located."

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