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learning is not seen as a lineal process but a curl one, as a progressive process where teacher supervises the child`s interests and assures necessary resources for a proper exploration and learning.It is worth reflecting upon the Reggio Emilia Method that managed to create a real connection, a partnership between pre/school institution, family and community and which asserted the educational environment as the 3rd teacher.

Original text

learning is not seen as a lineal process but a curl one, as a progressive process where teacher supervises the child`s interests and assures necessary resources for a proper exploration and learning. It is worth reflecting upon the Reggio Emilia Method that managed to create a real connection, a partnership between pre/school institution, family and community and which asserted the educational environment as the 3rd teacher. The Reggio Emilia Method is an example on how teachers can involve children in their own formation through creative and motivating activities. Adults and children can learn together in a pleasant and useful manner, where everyone takes part in his/her own pace, using the resources s/he wants to. Children are regarded as members of the community with full rights and are encouraged to think freely and act autonomously.

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