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These aspects, although known in
conventional construction, are rarely used together, and hence the need for their use in
FRP composites, can present a major obstacle for acceptance by the civil engineering
these advances require that civil engineers interact with other professionals in the
areas of polymer chemistry, composites processing, fiber reinforcements, and material

Original text

These aspects, although known in
conventional construction, are rarely used together, and hence the need for their use in
FRP composites, can present a major obstacle for acceptance by the civil engineering
community. An example of integration of materials, process and structural design has
been the recent advances in pultrusion and VARTM processing through the use of
multiaxial fabric reinforcements and toughened resin matrices resulting in optimized
designs for structural components (e.g. bridge decks, piles, linear profiles). However,
these advances require that civil engineers interact with other professionals in the
areas of polymer chemistry, composites processing, fiber reinforcements, and material

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