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Imagine heating your home without relying on the local power plant.Jorge and Ella Alvarez, off-gridders in northern Arizona say, "We love being off-grid. It's definitely hard work, but it puts everything in life into perspective. It's surprising to find just how much you can do without. Many people think we have a harsh and depressing lifestyle. Nothing could be further from the truth. We see living off the grid as a gift that has allowed us to be more in touch with nature and each other."These people generally live a life that creates very little waste, growing their own organic fruits and vegetables, and raising chickens and goats for eggs and milk.What exactly is "the grid"? The grid, short for "the power grid," is the linked system that supplies electricity to most homes and buildings in developed nations.The key to getting off the grid is replacing electricity
supplied by a power plant with a renewable energy source, like wind or solar power.As challenging as it may be to live off the grid, most off-gridders feel that the benefits far outweigh the difficulties.By avoiding the consumption of packaged foods, they greatly reduce paper and plastic waste.When the wind blows, the blades move, producing energy which is turned into electricity by a generator.Wouldn't it feel good to meet your need for electricity without harming the environment?Wind power is collected by turbines, also known as windmills.

Original text

Imagine heating your home without relying on the local power plant. Wouldn’t it feel good to meet your need for electricity without harming the environment? For a growing number of people, these ideas have become reality. Out of concern for the environment and a desire for self-reliance, these people have made the bold decision to live off the grid.
What exactly is “the grid”? The grid, short for “the power grid,” is the linked system that supplies electricity to most homes and buildings in developed nations. Homes that are off the grid are not hooked up to the local power supply. Instead, they produce all of the energy they consume. As a result, people living off the grid avoid the environmental and financial costs that come with on-grid living.
The key to getting off the grid is replacing electricity
supplied by a power plant with a renewable energy source, like wind or solar power. Buildings that use solar power have solar panels on the roof or near
the building. When the sun’s light hits the panels, the panels collect the energy. Wind power is collected by turbines, also known as windmills. When the wind blows, the blades move, producing energy which is turned into electricity by a generator.
Some people go even further off the grid. In addition to setting up a renewable energy source, they also have an independent source of water. They dig wells to access ground water or use a cistern, a type of tank, to collect rainwater. Those most committed to living off the grid may even lack garbage service. These people generally live a life that creates very little waste, growing their own organic fruits and vegetables, and raising chickens and goats for eggs and milk. By avoiding the consumption of packaged foods, they greatly reduce paper and plastic waste.
As challenging as it may be to live off the grid, most off-gridders feel that the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. Jorge and Ella Alvarez, off-gridders in northern Arizona say, “We love being off-grid. It’s definitely hard work, but it puts everything in life into perspective. It’s surprising to find just how much you can do without. Many people think we have a harsh and depressing lifestyle. Nothing could be further from the truth. We see living off the grid as a gift that has allowed us to be more in touch with nature and each other.”
This view is shared by Wendy Johnston, a mother of three, living off the grid with her family in Ontario, Canada. Wendy recalls, “In the house I grew up in, we would leave lights on all day, the thermostat
up at night, and water running without a second thought. I wanted my children to be raised with more respect for the environment and an awareness of the impact that they have on it. My children don’t take energy for granted. I love the fact that they are learning how to take care of the earth while, at the same time, learning to be self-sufficient.”

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