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Preeclampsia might be the result of inadequate maternal care
and this may advance to eclampsia if proper care is not taken,
resulting in various maternal complications.Endothelial
dysfunction is considered as one of the etiological factor for
the development of preeclampsia.1
Lipid peroxidation is considered as an important marker for
endothelial dysfunction.SOD exhibit free radical scavenging mechanisms,
resulting in reduction of oxidative stress.High level of MDA indicates that body is
in stressed state.

Original text

Preeclampsia might be the result of inadequate maternal care
and this may advance to eclampsia if proper care is not taken,
resulting in various maternal complications. Endothelial
dysfunction is considered as one of the etiological factor for
the development of preeclampsia.1
Lipid peroxidation is considered as an important marker for
endothelial dysfunction. Reports have shown that free radicals
generated due to oxidation process may enhance vascular
Large number of evidences has shown that in women with
preeclampsia, there is an increased lipid peroxidation along
with reduction in natural antioxidant protection resulting in
oxidative stress.3
Level of lipid peroxidation in body can be best estimated by
plasma MDA level. High level of MDA indicates that body is
in stressed state. SOD exhibit free radical scavenging mechanisms,
resulting in reduction of oxidative stress. A lower
level of SOD indicates an increased oxidative damage to the
Keeping in mind the above discussions, present study was

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