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There are many picturesque places in Oman.I visited some of them like Salalah, Wadi Al-Shatn and wkan village .Where I saw there are many things that are comfortable for the eye, such as thick and long trees, and there are many types of them, which cover the park beautifully.In addition to the birds on the trees, some of them fly in the air.There are some wide areas dedicated to games.In addiction to , there are very noisy sounds like the sounds of cars and trucks on the street, and horses in the garden.And other places are beautiful and terrible places, but my visit to the Alsahwa Tower Park in Muscat was very wonderful.Like, hear the sounds of a group of birds singing, and the sound of fountain water.

Original text

There are many picturesque places in Oman. I visited some of them like Salalah, Wadi Al-Shatn and wkan village . And other places are beautiful and terrible places, but my visit to the Alsahwa Tower Park in Muscat was very wonderful. And still stuck in my memory that visit.

  Where I saw there are many things that are comfortable for the eye, such as thick and long trees, and there are many types of them, which cover the park beautifully.In addition to the birds on the trees, some of them fly in the air.There are some wide areas dedicated to games. Some people sit under trees reading books. 

In condition to the sound there are quiet comfortable sounds to hear. Like, hear the sounds of a group of birds singing, and the sound of fountain water. In addiction to , there are very noisy sounds like the sounds of cars and trucks on the street, and horses in the garden. Last one, children screaming when they play together.

Although there are noisy sounds, there are good smells in the park, such as the wonderful smell of flowers found in various types. At the same time, the smells of eating come from all sides. However, we find bad smells like the smell of animals that pass between roads, like horses.

I went there for a few hours, and I felt relaxed, comfortable , and calm in some parts of the park. I had a good time there. My visit to this park was wonderful.

Finally , I would like to go there again to relax and enjoy more. I advise you to visit and enjoy in this beautiful place.

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