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Spring had finally come : it was time for Grandma to start planting her garden .Chloe asked," Now we wait for the plants to grow, "Grandma replied.What makes the plants grow? They use these things to make food that helps them grow. Ganda continued. The process plants use to make food is called photosynthesis during photosynthesis, the energy from the sunlight helps plants and tum water and a part of the air called carbon dioxide into food. Chloe asked. When plants do not get sunlight, they cannot get enough energy to make food. You know what else? The energy from the sun also indirectly provides energy to animals and human "That's silly, Grandma."Chloe asked , " We'll start with some vegetables , " Grandma said , " Tomatoes , carrots , lettuce and cucumbers . I want my garden to be full of delicious foods to eat during the summer. Chloe helped her grandma dig holes for the seeds, place them in the ground and cover them with dirt. Then they watered the seeds and went back inside to clean up. "Now what happens?"Chloe asked," Well, a lot of factors help the plants grow, "Grandma said," But all plants need three main things: water, sunlight and air."Whendis doudy, the sun is still shining."They got out all of the seeds and garden tools and headed outside to Grandma's gardert .* leats a plant, inget some of that energy."What happens if a plant does not get any sunlight?"Grandma replied.This year , she decided she was going to let Chloe help ."Grandma said."Chloe said.

Original text

Spring had finally come : it was time for Grandma to start planting her garden . This year , she decided she was going to let Chloe help . They got out all of the seeds and garden tools and headed outside to Grandma's gardert . What are we going to plant this year , Grandma ? Chloe asked , " We'll start with some vegetables , " Grandma said , " Tomatoes , carrots , lettuce and cucumbers . I want my garden to be full of delicious foods to eat during the summer. Chloe helped her grandma dig holes for the seeds, place them in the ground and cover them with dirt. Then they watered the seeds and went back inside to clean up. "Now what happens? Chloe asked," Now we wait for the plants to grow, "Grandma replied.What makes the plants grow? "Chloe asked," Well, a lot of factors help the plants grow, "Grandma said," But all plants need three main things: water, sunlight and air. They use these things to make food that helps them grow. Ganda continued. The process plants use to make food is called photosynthesis during photosynthesis, the energy from the sunlight helps plants and tum water and a part of the air called carbon dioxide into food. “What happens if a plant does not get any sunlight?” Chloe asked. When plants do not get sunlight, they cannot get enough energy to make food. "Grandma said." You know what else? The energy from the sun also indirectly provides energy to animals and human "That's silly, Grandma." Chloe said. "We don't get energy from the sun. It only keeps us warm and gives us light."Yes Chloe, the sun does keep us warm and give us light. But, without the sun, we couldn't get energy from the food we eat," sald Grandma. "You see, plants get energy from the sun, and then we get our energy by eating the plants. So we only get some of the sun's energy when we eat plants Chloe asked, "Not exactly." Grandma replied. * leats a plant, inget some of that energy. Then, when we eat an animal the energy is passed to. The energy is passed through something called a food chain. What is a food chain? asked Chion "A food chain is how energy is passed along from one plant or animal to another, Grandma replied. Since the sun gives energy to plants, all food chains start with the sun. The sun provides energy for everything that. What about when it is cloudy or when it gets dark at night? Chloe asked. “Whendis doudy, the sun is still shining.” Grandma replied. At night time, plants have enough sunlight stored from during the day. Sunlight is full olen, so even a little bit of sunlight can give a plant enough energy to grow and pass along. Chloe and her grandma spent the next couple months watering the garden and making sure the plants grew. When the tomatoes, carrots, lettuce and cucumbers finally appeared, Grandma made a big saind for them to brioy Chloe took a bite of salad and smiled at Grandma Mrom the energy from the sun tastes good, "she said.

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