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Frederick Taylor American inventor and engineer that applied his engineering and scientific knowledge to the management and developed a theory called scientific management theory his theories of motivation or productivity in the workplace was a material inventor and developed theories he has two most on this, important books on his theory are shop
management 1930 and the principles of scientific management1911and he is known as the father of scientific management and efficiency movement Frankly, ldon't think
the employees are satisfied with this theory Scientific Management Management science theory is a contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use
of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services. so how is lt has been how Taylor believed that there were universal laws that governed efficiency
and that these laws were independent of human judgment and the goal of scientific management was to find this one best way of doing things efficiently as possible now
this was how the management theory worked where workers are considered to be soldiers and it important to realize that he did not value the human needs of workers so essentially he believed that works were only interested in higher pay and employees employers were only interested in lowering cost boosting profit now because he believed that workers were only motivated by pay than he believed you know worker don't usually enjoy work so because of that they .need to be monitored and controlled closely so essentially he believed that employees had a natural tendency to take it easy and just slack off whenever they could and referred to that as natural soldiering now to help with this he thought managers should break down each employees job into more manageable bite-size task and training should be given so that all employees perform these task in
a standard way and finally worker should be paid based on how much the products they are and he called this piece-rate pay now the idea a fall these steps was to create a win-win situation in his eyes so he thought workers would be incentivized to work hard to earn more and that business production would be as efficient as it can be and so profits would be maximized the theory has premised the fact that employees are motivated to be production based on one thing money and because of this Taylor believed that management should excise close control over employees to ensure they're getting their money's worth he advocated using science to study jobs and break down into manageable parts and these parts could then be described in an could then be trained to perform the task in that exact way finally than he advocated using price rate pay to motivate employees to be productive

Original text

Frederick Taylor American inventor and engineer that applied his engineering and scientific knowledge to the management and developed a theory called scientific management theory his theories of motivation or productivity in the workplace was a material inventor and developed theories he has two most on this, important books on his theory are shop
management 1930 and the principles of scientific management1911and he is known as the father of scientific management and efficiency movement Frankly, ldon't think
the employees are satisfied with this theory Scientific Management Management science theory is a contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use
of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services. so how is lt has been how Taylor believed that there were universal laws that governed efficiency
and that these laws were independent of human judgment and the goal of scientific management was to find this one best way of doing things efficiently as possible now
this was how the management theory worked where workers are considered to be soldiers and it important to realize that he did not value the human needs of workers so essentially he believed that works were only interested in higher pay and employees employers were only interested in lowering cost boosting profit now because he believed that workers were only motivated by pay than he believed you know worker don't usually enjoy work so because of that they .need to be monitored and controlled closely so essentially he believed that employees had a natural tendency to take it easy and just slack off whenever they could and referred to that as natural soldiering now to help with this he thought managers should break down each employees job into more manageable bite-size task and training should be given so that all employees perform these task in
a standard way and finally worker should be paid based on how much the products they are and he called this piece-rate pay now the idea a fall these steps was to create a win-win situation in his eyes so he thought workers would be incentivized to work hard to earn more and that business production would be as efficient as it can be and so profits would be maximized the theory has premised the fact that employees are motivated to be production based on one thing money and because of this Taylor believed that management should excise close control over employees to ensure they're getting their money's worth he advocated using science to study jobs and break down into manageable parts and these parts could then be described in an could then be trained to perform the task in that exact way finally than he advocated using price rate pay to motivate employees to be productive

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