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Documentation Every programming language and every technology has a documentation.As technologies change fast, a good programmer is constantly aware about the newest tech, always ready and eager to learn new languages and explore new technologies


Free to reach out to Ben if you have any more questions about programming or would like to know more about a coding related topic Connect with him on Linkedin.YouTube tutorials -> A great way to learn and easier for beginners, than learning directly from documentations.

Original text

Documentation Every programming language and every technology has a documentation. A documentation is essentially a handbook on how to use the technology and what it does.

YouTube tutorials → A great way to learn and easier for beginners, than learning directly from documentations.

As a beginner programmer you might end up copying a lot of code from StackOverflow and GitHub and that's ok. But please also try to understand the code, otherwise, you will not learn anything from it

Also, people on StackOverflow are very strict about rules and it can be quite harsh for newbies, I recommend you take a look

at Stackoverflow Guide


If you take away anything from this article it should be that when learning to code, the most important skill is actually a soft skill-the ability to teach yourself. As technologies change fast, a good programmer is constantly aware about the newest tech, always ready and eager to learn new languages and explore new technologies


Free to reach out to Ben if you have any more questions about programming or would like to know more about a coding related topic Connect with him on Linkedin.

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