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The most common of the hereditary disaccharidase deficiencies is the sucraseisomaltase defect.defective structural element with two separate active side chains for two
different substrates.Refusal of foods with
a high sugar content, abdominal distension, colicky pain and even malnutrition
may occur but, on the whole, symptoms are less pronounced than in lactase
deficiency.Sucrase and isomaltase, the two disaccharidases
involved in the hydrolysis of the two sugars, are maltases 3 and 4 in Semenza's
designation.The stools are frothy,
of low pH, and contain increased quantities of lactic acid.Isomaltose has a 1-6 a
bond between two molecules of glucose and forms the branching link in
glycogen and amylopectin.

Original text

The most common of the hereditary disaccharidase deficiencies is the sucraseisomaltase defect. A recent review (Prader and Auricchio, 1965) referred to
sixty-three cases, thirty-four of whom were males and twenty-nine females.
The introduction of sugar and starch into a child's diet determines the time of
onset of the diarrhoea, which is the leading manifestation. The stools are frothy,
of low pH, and contain increased quantities of lactic acid. Refusal of foods with
a high sugar content, abdominal distension, colicky pain and even malnutrition
may occur but, on the whole, symptoms are less pronounced than in lactase
deficiency. From a genetic point of view the interesting feature is the close
association of sucrose and isomaltose malabsorption. Isomaltose has a 1-6 a
bond between two molecules of glucose and forms the branching link in
glycogen and amylopectin. Sucrase and isomaltase, the two disaccharidases
involved in the hydrolysis of the two sugars, are maltases 3 and 4 in Semenza's
designation. The finding of two congenital, most probably hereditary, enzyme
deficiencies in one and the same patient contradicts the one gene?one enzyme
theory, but only up to a point. The following hypotheses have been put
forward to explain such a state of affairs?-

  1. a defective common regulator gene;

  2. defective structural element with two separate active side chains for two
    different substrates.

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