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The pancreas lies deep in the abdominal cavity, resting onthe posterior abdominal wall.In cystic fibrosis, a thick mucus blocksthe pancreatic duct, and the patient must take supplementalpancreatic enzymes by mouth for proper digestion to occur.As an endocrine gland, it secretes insulinand glucagon, hormones that help keep the blood glucoselevel within normal limits.It is an elongated and somewhat flattened organ that has both an endocrine and anexocrine function.

Original text

The pancreas lies deep in the abdominal cavity, resting onthe posterior abdominal wall. It is an elongated and somewhat flattened organ that has both an endocrine and anexocrine function. As an endocrine gland, it secretes insulinand glucagon, hormones that help keep the blood glucoselevel within normal limits. In this chapter, however, we are ainterested in its exocrine function. Most pancreatic cellsproduce pancreatic juice, which contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and digestive enzymes for all types of food.Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes chyme from the stomach.Whereas the enzyme pepsin acts best in the acid pH of thestomach, pancreatic enzymes require a slightly basic pH.Pancreatic amylase digests starch, trypsin digests protein,and lipase digests fat. In cystic fibrosis, a thick mucus blocksthe pancreatic duct, and the patient must take supplementalpancreatic enzymes by mouth for proper digestion to occur.

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