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symptoms :

1_ Painful episodes :
One terrible occurrence
Sickle cell crises are excruciating episodes that are one of the most common and distressing symptoms of sickle cell disease.From common illnesses like colds to far more serious illnesses like meningitis that could be lethal,

3_Anaemia :
or low blood Hemoglobin ?They occur when blood vessels clog in particular body sections.

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symptoms :

1_ Painful episodes :
One terrible occurrence
Sickle cell crises are excruciating episodes that are one of the most common and distressing symptoms of sickle cell disease.

They occur when blood vessels clog in particular body sections.

The pain could be unbearable and last for a few days or weeks.

A sickle cell crisis usually affects the back or limbs, though it can happen elsewhere on the body.

2_Recurrent infections :
Patients with sickle cell disease are more prone to infections, particularly in their early years.

From common illnesses like colds to far more serious illnesses like meningitis that could be lethal,

3_Anaemia :
or low blood Hemoglobin ، is a substance found in red blood cells that is used to transport oxygen throughout the body, Usually not much happens with this

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