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The ethical dilemma for Engineer A is whether to prioritize cost-saving measures and expedite the construction process or to prioritize safety and compliance with engineering standards. Engineer A failed to ensure compliance with safety requirements, did not discuss the design with Engineer B, and allowed construction to proceed without proper oversight or approval. The dilemma for Engineer A is whether to prioritize his own convenience and financial interests or the safety and well-being of the occupants of the building.

Original text

The ethical dilemma for Engineer A is whether to prioritize cost-saving measures and expedite the construction process or to prioritize safety and compliance with engineering standards. Engineer A failed to ensure compliance with safety requirements, did not discuss the design with Engineer B, and allowed construction to proceed without proper oversight or approval. The dilemma for Engineer A is whether to prioritize his own convenience and financial interests or the safety and well-being of the occupants of the building.

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