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On a dark night, darkness crept into a quiet city.The rain turned into a strangely colored liquid, flowing like blood, giving the night a frightening luster.Residents were shocked by the appearance of a strange ball of light in the sky, emitting mysterious and frightening sounds.

Original text

On a dark night, darkness crept into a quiet city. Residents were shocked by the appearance of a strange ball of light in the sky, emitting mysterious and frightening sounds.

Pale faces were reflected on the windows of houses, and soon faded into darkness and the streets filled with terrifying shadows, as the lights suddenly went out, leaving only a frightening silence. The rain turned into a strangely colored liquid, flowing like blood, giving the night a frightening luster. The windows of the houses opened with an incomprehensible flash, revealing unusual shapes.

The strange event continued its mystery, leaving behind frightening whispers that cannot be forgotten .

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