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Characterization is the playwright's imaginative creation of characters that can effectively dramatize his story.These qualities include physical attributes, moral, psychological and emotional dispositions, their attitude towards other characters and situations, and so on. At the point of creating the idea he wants to present in his play, he thinks of the best way to present it to make it interesting and at the same time informative.So he uses the characters to explicate his theme and propel the plot, his ability to craft the play in such a way that each character blends well in the plot is called characterization.He does so by imbuing the characters with certain recognizable human traits and qualities.In most cases, the characters grow from innocence to maturity or from ignorance to knowledge.He builds this idea into a story form and thinks of the type of characters that can tell this story effectively.These characters are presented and they develop in the course of the action.

Original text

Characterization is the playwright’s imaginative creation of characters that can effectively dramatize his story. The action of the play is presented through such characters. He does so by imbuing the characters with certain recognizable human traits and qualities. These qualities include physical attributes, moral, psychological and emotional dispositions, their attitude towards other characters and situations, and so on. At the point of creating the idea he wants to present in his play, he thinks of the best way to present it to make it interesting and at the same time informative. He builds this idea into a story form and thinks of the type of characters that can tell this story effectively.
So he uses the characters to explicate his theme and propel the plot, his ability to craft the play in such a way that each character blends well in the plot is called characterization. These characters are presented and they develop in the course of the action. In most cases, the characters grow from innocence to maturity or from ignorance to knowledge. They also change according to situations and events when this is done, the characters are referred to as round characters

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