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In this section we deal with 'logic gates'.We use
xi to represent the value of the input(s) to a gate and the variable z to represent its
output.A logic gate
is an electronic component, incorporated within a circuit, which operates on one
or more inputs to produce one output.These are electronic devices which may
be viewed as the basic functional components of a digital computer.Because of the 'two-value' nature of the input and output variables, a logic gate
is an example of a binary device.

Original text

In this section we deal with ‘logic gates’. These are electronic devices which may
be viewed as the basic functional components of a digital computer. A logic gate
is an electronic component, incorporated within a circuit, which operates on one
or more inputs to produce one output. Each input and each output can take one
of two values (normally low and high voltage) which are denoted by 0 and 1.
Because of the ‘two-value’ nature of the input and output variables, a logic gate
is an example of a binary device. It also falls in the category of combinational
devices because the output value depends only on the input values. (This is in
contrast to a sequential device where the output value is also determined by such
factors as the time or the past history of the circuit.)
The three most important types of logic gates are the AND-gate, the OR-gate and
the NOT-gate (or inverter). These gates are so named because of their association
(which will become obvious) with the corresponding logical connective. We use
xi to represent the value of the input(s) to a gate and the variable z to represent its
output. The following table summarizes the operation of each of the three gates.

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