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English is known as the international language nowadays.And by learning this language you will learn about cultures, you will enjoy a lot of quotes and inspirational writings, and you will always be motivated.English is the common language that is used among the foreign language speakers, as when people from different nationalities travel, and want to communicate, they commonly use the English language.Also, it is one of the most dominating languages of the world which is having its impact on every field of life.Therefore, by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a great cultural understanding.So If you have to travel around the world, you must know the basics of English; in order to communicate easily with people.As English is the language of the film industry, and by learning it, you will no longer need to rely on subtitles.Also you will enjoy listening to music with the pleasure of understanding its meaning, and read books written by English authors without having difficulties.It is used in many countries.It is widely used in education, business, movies, books, and even in sports.First, it is the main language for communicating with people.As English is recognized as the language of science, and most of the knowledge related to computer, or health are written in English, therefore, being able to speak English, you will get unlimited access to knowledge.English is the common language that is used in many countries.It is easy to be learnt.It has a simple vocabulary, and you can ease it in the very perfect way.There are many reasons for learning English.So English language will never leave you alone.

Original text

English is known as the international language nowadays. It is used in many countries. Also, it is one of the most dominating languages of the world which is having its impact on every field of life. It is widely used in education, business, movies, books, and even in sports. Therefore, by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a great cultural understanding.
There are many reasons for learning English. First, it is the main language for communicating with people. English is the common language that is used among the foreign language speakers, as when people from different nationalities travel, and want to communicate, they commonly use the English language. So If you have to travel around the world, you must know the basics of English; in order to communicate easily with people. So English language will never leave you alone. Second, through learning English, you will get access to any kind of information. As English is recognized as the language of science, and most of the knowledge related to computer, or health are written in English, therefore, being able to speak English, you will get unlimited access to knowledge. Third, it gives you the access to enjoy art. As English is the language of the film industry, and by learning it, you will no longer need to rely on subtitles. Also you will enjoy listening to music with the pleasure of understanding its meaning, and read books written by English authors without having difficulties.
English is the common language that is used in many countries. It is easy to be learnt. It has a simple vocabulary, and you can ease it in the very perfect way. And by learning this language you will learn about cultures, you will enjoy a lot of quotes and inspirational writings, and you will always be motivated. English language will change you life for better.

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