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Socializing online and socializing in person

Socializing is an important behavior for human kind.a face to face socializing can show different facial expressions such as, happiness, sadness, angry, shyness and many others.a face to face socializing can show different facial expressions such as, happiness, sadness, angry, shyness and many others.these facial expressions make communication better and realistically.these facial expressions make communication better and realistically.Although, some people prefer to socializing in person while the majority of people combine two ways of socializing.Although, some people prefer to socializing in person while the majority of people combine two ways of socializing.While online socializing can save a lot of time and effort.Online socializing can keep you up with your friends all the time.While in person socializing allows you to build your social skills.While online socializing can save a lot of time and effort.

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Socializing online and socializing in person

Socializing is an important behavior for human kind. Now a days, socializing has changed due to technology. Although, some people prefer to socializing in person while the majority of people combine two ways of socializing. a face to face socializing can show different facial expressions such as, happiness, sadness, angry, shyness and many others.

these facial expressions make communication better and realistically. While online socializing can save a lot of time and effort. For example, when you want to see a remote friend, you can do it by internet at anytime and anyplace. All in all, anyway of socializing is a very effective in making new friends.

Online socializing can keep you up with your friends all the time. While in person socializing allows you to build your social skills. Most people combine both ways to socializing to be with their dear once. Socializing online and in person Socializing is an important behavior for human kind.

Now a days, socializing has changed due to technology. Although, some people prefer to socializing in person while the majority of people combine two ways of socializing. a face to face socializing can show different facial expressions such as, happiness, sadness, angry, shyness and many others.

these facial expressions make communication better and realistically. While online socializing can save a lot of time and effort. For example, when you want to see a remote friend, you can do it by internet at anytime and anyplace.

All in all, anyway of socializing is a very effective in making new friends. Online socializing can keep you up with your friends all the time. While in person socializing allows you to build your social skills. Most people combine both ways to socializing to be with their dear once.

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