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?Are school children learning the right things about money?Beina ple to do this effectively is essential nowadays for young consumers, who re faced with increasingly complicated choices of goods in shops.Elsewhere, schools have organised competitions in which teams are given a task and are challenged to save as much money as they can.?stead, financial education should perhaps concentrate on things like emparing the advantages and disadvantages of different products.And
?ith more and more shopping being done online, knowing how to do this
?fely is something that should certainly not be overlooked.Unfortunately, however, subjects like this are often not seen as a priority, as schools tend to focus on academic eubiects like English and maths instead.In addition, while most other subiects have a head of department, a recent survey showed that the majority of UK schools do not have a member of staff who is responsible for financial education in their school.Activities like games and competitions can make a real difference because they are motivating and fun, and do not need to take up a lot of classroom time.?any schools around the world now teach financial education alongside her subjects to prepare young people for the decisions they will need to ake later in life.ow relevant, for example, is it to teach teenagers about tax or pensions?Just as portant for modern consumers is the ability to decide whether special fers are worth it, so that they understand what is really being sold.So it is no surprise that many countries have introduced financial ucation into the school curriculum.Another factor that could prevent schools from introducing a new subject like financial education into the curriculum is that there is often little money to buy new teaching resources.A good financial education can help young people to make effective career and education choices throughout their lives and successfully participate in modern society.y the time these young people are old enough to have to deal with these ings, the regulations will most probably have changed.?e consequences of young people growing up without an understanding of oney can be considerable.If people do not make the right financial cisions, this can have a long-lasting impact on them and on their families well.What they do not realise is that there is expert help available to schools from banks and local businesses, often for free.
Are school children learning the right things about money?
any schools around the world now teach financial education alongside her subjects to prepare young people for the decisions they will need to ake later in life. But is this financial education focusing on the right things? ow relevant, for example, is it to teach teenagers about tax or pensions? y the time these young people are old enough to have to deal with these ings, the regulations will most probably have changed.
stead, financial education should perhaps concentrate on things like emparing the advantages and disadvantages of different products. Beina ple to do this effectively is essential nowadays for young consumers, who re faced with increasingly complicated choices of goods in shops. Just as portant for modern consumers is the ability to decide whether special fers are worth it, so that they understand what is really being sold. And
ith more and more shopping being done online, knowing how to do this
fely is something that should certainly not be overlooked.
e consequences of young people growing up without an understanding of oney can be considerable. If people do not make the right financial cisions, this can have a long-lasting impact on them and on their families well. So it is no surprise that many countries have introduced financial ucation into the school curriculum. Unfortunately, however, subjects like
this are often not seen as a priority, as schools tend to focus on academic eubiects like English and maths instead. In addition, while most other subiects have a head of department, a recent survey showed that the majority of UK schools do not have a member of staff who is responsible for financial education in their school.
Despite these difficulties, there are some simple but effective ways that schools can teach financial education. It is important for children to get into the habit of saving when they have spare money, even if it is just a little, and some schools have started using virtual money games to encourage children to do this. Elsewhere, schools have organised competitions in which teams are given a task and are challenged to save as much money as they can. Activities like games and competitions can make a real difference because they are motivating and fun, and do not need to take up a lot of classroom time.
Another factor that could prevent schools from introducing a new subject like financial education into the curriculum is that there is often little money to buy new teaching resources. However, this should not be an issue as there is plenty of free material available online. Many teachers also say they are not trained to teach financial education. What they do not realise is that there is expert help available to schools from banks and local businesses, often for free. A good financial education can help young people to make effective career and education choices throughout their lives and successfully participate in modern society. So let's make sure the skills that young people are taught today are the right ones for their future.
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