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Polysaccharides.These are high-molecular carbohydrates containing hundreds and even thousands of
monosaccharide residues.Cellulose, starch and glycogen are widely known from
homopolysaccharides.Cellulose (fiber) is not only the most common poly-saccharide,
but also an organic substance in nature.Homopolysaccharides.

Original text

These are high-molecular carbohydrates containing hundreds and even thousands of
monosaccharide residues. Cellulose, starch and glycogen are widely known from
homopolysaccharides. They are built from the same monosaccharide – D-glucose. The
general formula (C6H10O5)n
. Cellulose (fiber) is not only the most common poly-saccharide,
but also an organic substance in nature. Wood is about 50% cellulose, and cotton and flax are
practically pure cellulose. In cellulose, the residues of D–glucopyranose are interconnected
by a -(1) – glycoside bond::

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