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An updated educational system will provide high quality learning and develop available talent and potential .The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be a leading business hub with limitless opportunities for the development of new talent and creative enterprises .The Kingdom's strategic position that connects the waterways of three continents , Europe , Africa and Asia , will make it a leading trading and transportation port for cargo from different countries across the globe .Improved and updated services and facilities will attract small and large companies , interested patpating actively in a dynamic economy .

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An updated educational system will provide high quality learning and develop available talent and potential . Graduates will have the knowledge and skills required by the job market and access to many opportunities for professional development . The Economy The Kingdom's economy has great growth potential . A diversified and renewed business environment will offer employment opportunities to all citizens and attract new investors . Improved and updated services and facilities will attract small and large companies , interested patpating actively in a dynamic economy . Telecommunications and information technology will be updated and made available in urban and rural areas . The Kingdom's strategic position that connects the waterways of three continents , Europe , Africa and Asia , will make it a leading trading and transportation port for cargo from different countries across the globe . Streamlined government services will facilitate the introduction of new business sectors and partners and support growth . Investment opportunities will be increased through privatization of state owned assets and agencies . The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be a leading business hub with limitless opportunities for the development of new talent and creative enterprises .

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