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Summarize result (50%)

*Although people all over the world are working longer
and longer hours, we also have more leisure time than
ever before.The vast majority, eighty-five percent,
regularly read newspapers, and fifty-four percent regularly
read books.*According to the latest research by supermarkets, the
average British family spends just eleven minutes preparing
the main evening meal, and prefers 'ready meals' and
takeaways to home-cooked food.No wonder that the vast
majority of working women in the UK say they are stressed
and exhausted!

Original text

*Although people all over the world are working longer
and longer hours, we also have more leisure time than
ever before.

  • After sleeping and working, watching TV is by far the
    most popular leisure activity the world over. The British
    watch more TV than any other nation in Europe, but they
    also read more. The vast majority, eighty-five percent,
    regularly read newspapers, and fifty-four percent regularly
    read books.
    *Although up to two thirds of modern European women
    work full-time, they still do the main share of the
    housework, too. Husbands help in the house more than
    they did in the past, but in the UK for example, men do an
    average of just six hours a week compared to their wives,
    who do over eighteen hours. No wonder that the vast
    majority of working women in the UK say they are stressed
    and exhausted!
    *According to the latest research by supermarkets, the
    average British family spends just eleven minutes preparing
    the main evening meal, and prefers 'ready meals' and
    takeaways to home-cooked food. Almost half of all families
    in the UK eat together only once a month or less.

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