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The study indicated that Proximity, Similarity, Beauty, Reciprocity and Intimacy are the water factors which affect the attraction.The new research perspectives could be based in analysing multiple facial features which attracts the person and how the attraction is highly correlated with the likeliness and what are the features through the background could be explored of human being.Whereas, according to the social psychology, the Proximity among two people is a quality which affects and influences them environmentally through multiple factors (APA Dictionary of Psychology, n.d.).The study also indicated that the physical attractiveness plays a vital role.The attractions particularly based on multiple experiences and the characteristics which includes a physical appearance and the motivation which arises internally from someone attraction is the combination of these two factors.

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The study indicated that Proximity, Similarity, Beauty, Reciprocity and Intimacy are the water factors which affect the attraction. These factors could either influence the attraction or effect the attraction in multiple ways. Furthermore, the study also indicated that age, cultural factors and multiple biological factors affect the attraction and these are the components which affects about opposite sex genders. The attractions particularly based on multiple experiences and the characteristics which includes a physical appearance and the motivation which arises internally from someone attraction is the combination of these two factors. Whereas, according to the social psychology, the Proximity among two people is a quality which affects and influences them environmentally through multiple factors (APA Dictionary of Psychology, n.d.).The study also indicated that the physical attractiveness plays a vital role. The height, face and height play the vital role and are considered as the top three physical attractive features in human beings (Stangor et al., n.d.).
In this study, due to minimal time, the survey was conducted on 15 people and the physical features were explored that what could be the top three physical attractive features that Influence the attractiveness. Furthermore, the study concluded through reviewing the literature through secondary analysis as due to less time the primary data was only conducted from 15 people. The future research should be conducted in analysing more than 15 people and should be based on the primary data only.
​The new research perspectives could be based in analysing multiple facial features which attracts the person and how the attraction is highly correlated with the likeliness and what are the features through the background could be explored of human being.

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