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In previous researches, the noise uncertainty was studied by setting limitation on the noise expansion coefficients by assuming that the lower noise expansion coefficients are equal to the reciprocal of the noise upper expansion coefficient [91].However, under noise uncertainty conditions, The fluctuation of noise power leads to the deterioration of the detector's performance, and we can distinguish between two cases.

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In previous researches, the noise uncertainty was studied by setting limitation on the noise expansion coefficients by assuming that the lower noise expansion coefficients are equal to the reciprocal of the noise upper expansion coefficient [91]. However, under noise uncertainty conditions, The fluctuation of noise power leads to the deterioration of the detector's performance, and we can distinguish between two cases. The first case occurs when the noise power decreases, and this lead to a decrease in the received signal power below the threshold level, thus the decrease of the value of the probability of detection P_D will be below the nominal value. whereas , the second cases occurs when the noise power increased higher the detector's threshold ,and this increase the power of received signal and may cause to detect noise signals as primary user signals and which lead to an increase in the probability of false alarm P_FA values.

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