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What are the strangest types of phobias around the world? A person may be affected by various phobias that are triggered by certain things that cause fear, and anxiety disorder is the category that phobia falls under. In the essay, I will write about the strangest types of phobias in the world and as well as their symptoms and treatments.
Anxiety disorder comes in different types, with phobia being just one of them. A list of the 10 most formidable phobias can be found below, which are real and cause a great deal of distress for countless individuals:
1-Ablutophobia: fear of cleaning, washing and showering.
2-Eisoptrophobia: fear of mirrors.
3-Chaetophobia: fear of hair.
4-Linonophobia: fear of string.
5-Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words.
6-Omphalophobia: fear of belly buttons.
7-Lachanophobia: fear of vegetables.
8-Trypophobia: fear of closely packed holes.
9-Globophobia: fear of balloons.
10-Nomophobia: fear of being without a phone.
(Rachel Swan, 2022)
Much is still unknown about the true cause of certain phobias. Causes can include:
• Negative experiences.
Many phobias arise as a result of a negative experience or panic attack related to a specific object or situation.
• Genetics and environment.
There may be a link between your specific phobia and your parents' phobia or fear - it could be genetic or learned behavior.

• Brain function.
Changes in brain function can also play a role in the development of specific phobias. (Specific phobias, 2016)
About Treatment, Phobias are very treatable, and most people with phobias are aware of their illness. This greatly aids in diagnosis. Consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist is a useful first step in treating an already identified phobia. If the phobia is not causing serious problems, most people feel they can control themselves simply by avoiding the source of the fear. Many people with specific phobias do not seek treatment because these fears are often manageable. In some cases, such as compound phobias, the phobia triggers cannot be avoided. In these cases, consultation with a mental health professional is the first step toward recovery. Most phobias can be cured with proper treatment. There is no single treatment that works for all phobias. For treatment to be successful, it must be tailored to the individual. A physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist may recommend behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Treatment is intended to reduce the symptoms of fear and anxiety and to help the patient manage his or her reactions to the object of the phobia. (Brazier, 2020)

Original text

What are the strangest types of phobias around the world? A person may be affected by various phobias that are triggered by certain things that cause fear, and anxiety disorder is the category that phobia falls under. In the essay, I will write about the strangest types of phobias in the world and as well as their symptoms and treatments.
Anxiety disorder comes in different types, with phobia being just one of them. A list of the 10 most formidable phobias can be found below, which are real and cause a great deal of distress for countless individuals:
1-Ablutophobia: fear of cleaning, washing and showering.
2-Eisoptrophobia: fear of mirrors.
3-Chaetophobia: fear of hair.
4-Linonophobia: fear of string.
5-Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words.
6-Omphalophobia: fear of belly buttons.
7-Lachanophobia: fear of vegetables.
8-Trypophobia: fear of closely packed holes.
9-Globophobia: fear of balloons.
10-Nomophobia: fear of being without a phone.
(Rachel Swan, 2022)
Much is still unknown about the true cause of certain phobias. Causes can include:
• Negative experiences.
Many phobias arise as a result of a negative experience or panic attack related to a specific object or situation.
• Genetics and environment.
There may be a link between your specific phobia and your parents' phobia or fear - it could be genetic or learned behavior.

• Brain function.
Changes in brain function can also play a role in the development of specific phobias. (Specific phobias, 2016)
About Treatment, Phobias are very treatable, and most people with phobias are aware of their illness. This greatly aids in diagnosis. Consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist is a useful first step in treating an already identified phobia. If the phobia is not causing serious problems, most people feel they can control themselves simply by avoiding the source of the fear. Many people with specific phobias do not seek treatment because these fears are often manageable. In some cases, such as compound phobias, the phobia triggers cannot be avoided. In these cases, consultation with a mental health professional is the first step toward recovery. Most phobias can be cured with proper treatment. There is no single treatment that works for all phobias. For treatment to be successful, it must be tailored to the individual. A physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist may recommend behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Treatment is intended to reduce the symptoms of fear and anxiety and to help the patient manage his or her reactions to the object of the phobia. (Brazier, 2020)

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