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Hippocrates was not content to simply work on the causes and treatment of
disease.He advised medical practitioners to be serious about their profession and have high moral standards.

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Hippocrates was not content to simply work on the causes and treatment of
disease. He advised medical practitioners to be serious about their profession and have high moral standards. These standards are embodied in what we call the "Hippocratic Oath," which doctors still swear to today. According the Oath,a physician is required to swear to use his knowledge only to save a life, not to take it; not to cause abortion; to maintain a professional relationship with patients; and not to reveal secrets given to him by patients. Hippocrates focused on the study of biological functions and the importance of diet in maintaining optimal
health. He also explained how the environment can affect one's well-being. Hippocrates was known for emphasizing the importance of proper diet and exercise in preventing diseases. He recognized symptoms which others had failed to
link with certain diseases. He accurately
described disease symptoms and was the first physician to accurately describe the symptoms of pneumonia, as well as epilepsy in children. He preferred non-invasive treatment where possible.
He identified the difference between acute and chronic complaints. He was aware of the need to work in sterile conditions.

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