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Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor.He created over 2,000 drawings, paintings, sculptures, and other objects.His art was very colorful and energetic.He was born in Spain in 1881.He was a distinctive artist.Before he was 50, however, he became the most well-known artist from Spain.

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Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor. He was born in Spain in 1881. He was a distinctive artist. When he was 7 years old, his father showed him how to draw and paint. When he was 16, he was sent to the best art school in Spain, but he left the school. Before he was 50, however, he became the most well-known artist from Spain. He was famous for his modern art. Picasso was very talented. He created over 2,000 drawings, paintings, sculptures, and other objects. His art was very colorful and energetic. Picasso died in 1973 in France.

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