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Most societies place great value on beauty whether in art and architecture, fashion and appearance, or design and advertising.The Greeks believed that they had discovered the mathematical formula that represented perfect beauty, which was based wide as it was high.Throughout history, elegance and beauty have been the subjects of admiration and fascination.According to this formula, for example, the ideal face was two-thirds as was correct: Beauty does seem to relate to proportion and balance.Modern research has proven that the basic concept of the Greeks' formula, if not the formula itsel on proportions in nature.When related to beauty, these qualities are called symmetry.

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Most societies place great value on beauty whether in art and architecture, fashion and appearance, or design and advertising. Throughout history, elegance and beauty have been the subjects of admiration and fascination. In modern times, we have competitions to find the most beautiful person or magazines to tell us about trends in fashion and design, and a billion-dolls cosmetics industry built around looking and feeling beautiful. Yet despite the importance placed on beauty, one question remains: What is beauty? men are The stand and will, n people's The ancient Greeks thought that proportion was the key to beauty. The Greeks believed that they had discovered the mathematical formula that represented perfect beauty, which was based wide as it was high. Modern research has proven that the basic concept of the Greeks' formula, if not the formula itsel on proportions in nature. According to this formula, for example, the ideal face was two-thirds as was correct: Beauty does seem to relate to proportion and balance. When related to beauty, these qualities are called symmetry. A perfectly symmetrical face, just like a symmetrical flower, would have a left side that is identical to its right side. Research has shown that the more symmetrical an object or a face is, the more beautiful it is believed to be

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