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Laches' objections and he supports his reasons by his answers .The artisan, the husbandman know what to fear and what not to fear in their respective arts; and yet, this does not make them courageous.So, a courageous man knows all good and evil and knows how to deal with it, and consequently lacks no virtue.

Original text

Laches’ objections and he supports his reasons by his answers .The artisan, the husbandman know what to fear and what not to fear in their respective arts; and yet, this does not make them courageous. Also, Socrates’ objection: Knowledge has no temporal modality: the same science (e.g., medicine, husbandry or military art) has knowledge of the same things, be they past, present or future . Hence, the knowledge involved in courage is not only about future goods and evils, but also present and past . So, a courageous man knows all good and evil and knows how to deal with it, and consequently lacks no virtue. But then courage turns out to be the whole of virtue, while it was agreed that it is only a part of it.

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