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I started learning English two years ago and I am still learning it. I study it because it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with more than 1.5 billion people speaking it as a first or second language.As for its difficulty or ease, people's opinions differed on that, but for me it was moderately difficult because I do not always practice it, but even when I master the English language, I will not forget the Arabic language because it is our mother tonguesThe English language plays a crucial role in improving personal and professional relationships and building trust between individuals.English is a very important language.

Original text

I started learning English two years ago and I am still learning it. I study it because it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with more than 1.5 billion people speaking it as a first or second language. English is a very important language. It is known as the international information network. The English language plays a crucial role in improving personal and professional relationships and building trust between individuals. Learning it is useful in understanding the largest sector in the world. It contributes to facilitating the communication process between you and them, and here the English language becomes the most important tool of all. As for its difficulty or ease, people’s opinions differed on that, but for me it was moderately difficult because I do not always practice it, but even when I master the English language, I will not forget the Arabic language because it is our mother tongues

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