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Apple's CSR policies
Apple company was established in 1977 and is registered on the NASDAQ Global Select Market exchange.Apple requires from its suppliers that they prevent discrimination, involuntary and underage labour, excessive working hours and that they pay workers with wages and benefits in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.According to its Form 10-K 'Apple designs, manufactures and markets mobile communications, media devices, personal computers and portable digital music players, and sells a variety of related software, services and networking solutions.The company utilizes outsourcing through the manufacturing of its products overseas; most of the factories are located in Asia.The company utilizes outsourcing through the manufacturing of its products overseas; most of the factories are located in Asia.Furthermore, the business conducts deal with corporate governance, information disclosure, non-corruption and bribery, environmental health and safety.It also includes the business conduct policy of Apple: 'Apple conducts business ethically, honestly and in full compliance with all laws and regulations.For the Supplier Code, Apple has adopted the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct (EICC), the guidelines and standards for the electronics sector.The workers live and work inside the complex.

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Apple’s CSR policies
Apple company was established in 1977 and is registered on the NASDAQ Global Select Market exchange. According to its Form 10-K ‘Apple designs, manufactures and markets mobile communications, media devices, personal computers and portable digital music players, and sells a variety of related software, services and networking solutions. Its products are sold through Apple’s retail stores, online stores and third parties. Apple is a world leader in producing innovative electronic goods and technology. The company utilizes outsourcing through the manufacturing of its products overseas; most of the factories are located in Asia.

The company utilizes outsourcing through the manufacturing of its products overseas; most of the factories are located in Asia. Apple’s CSR policies and reporting As required by the SEC, Apple has made the Form 10-K annual report available on its website. The Form 10-K contains – amongst other things – information on Apple’s business strategy and organisation, the company’s risk factors, legal proceedings and financial data. It also includes the business conduct policy of Apple: ‘Apple conducts business ethically, honestly and in full compliance with all laws and regulations. This applies to every business decision in every area of the company worldwide’. Furthermore, the business conducts deal with corporate governance, information disclosure, non-corruption and bribery, environmental health and safety.

For the Supplier Code, Apple has adopted the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct (EICC), the guidelines and standards for the electronics sector. Through onsite audits Apple ensures that suppliers comply with the Supplier Code. The final assembly manufactures are audited every year and the components suppliers are audited arbitrarily. Apple obliges its suppliers to respect the human rights of its workers, to inform the workers of their rights, and to treat them with dignity and respect. Apple requires from its suppliers that they prevent discrimination, involuntary and underage labour, excessive working hours and that they pay workers with wages and benefits in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

This plant covers 15 factories, including dormitories, a hospital, a bank, a grocery store and restaurants. The workers live and work inside the complex. From 2009 to 2010 a total of 13 workers had committed suicide. The first worker, Sun Danyong, committed suicide after he had been interrogated on the loss of an iPhone 4 prototype that he had in his possession.

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