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Terrestrial Ecosystem
O Broad categories of terrestrial ecosystems are called biomes.O Each biome also is populated by a diverse types of animals, fungi and microorganisms
adapted to that environment
O Climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation and latitude have a predominant effect on biome distribution
Factors Affecting Terrestrial Ecosystem are:
O Moisture: Water is important for growth of the plant because the nutrients required for the growth are supplied in a dissolved state.qBased on the certain similarities and to make the classification simpler, the biomes are main groups according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms.O Biomes is a large, relatively distinct terrestrial region with similar climate, soil, plants, and
animals, regardless of where it occurs in the world.( )Boreal (Coniferous forest-
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Original text

Terrestrial Ecosystem
Ø Broad categories of terrestrial ecosystems are called biomes.
Ø Biomes is a large, relatively distinct terrestrial region with similar climate, soil, plants, and
animals, regardless of where it occurs in the world.
Ø Biomes are major types of ecosystems that cover large areas of the earth and are classified
by their dominant vegetation types.
Ø Each biome also is populated by a diverse types of animals, fungi and microorganisms
adapted to that environment
Ø Climatic factors such as temperature, precipitation and latitude have a predominant effect on biome distribution
Factors Affecting Terrestrial Ecosystem are:
Ø Moisture: Water is important for growth of the plant because the nutrients required for the growth are supplied in a dissolved state.
Ø Temperature: Every plant has optimum temperature requirement for germination, growth and reproduction.
Ø Soil: It provides the medium for plant growth.
Ø Light: Intensity of light and the length of the light period (day length) play an important part
in an ecosystem.
Major terrestrial biomes include
q Ecologist do not agree on the number of biomes. Some divide the world into just 5 or 6 or 9 biomes, while some saying it is necessary to define 30 or more different biomes.
qThere are various types of terrestrial biomes, the exact number of biomes in this world is still not known and keep on varying.
qBased on the certain similarities and to make the classification simpler, the biomes are main groups according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms.
Terrestrial ecosystems can be grouped within nine major biomes including:
المنطقة القطبیة )تكون التربة متجمدة بشكل دائم ( Tundra .1
2. Forest including:
)الغابة الشمالیة ، المعروفة أی ًضا باسم التایغا أو الغابة الصنوبریة ( )Boreal (Coniferous forest-
)الغابة الأستوائیة ( tropical forest-
-temperate forest including: (temperate rainforests, temperate deciduous forests & temperate
evergreen forests)
3. Grasslands including: (temperate grassland المراعي المعتدلة and Tropical ) grassland called Savanna) 4. Desert

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