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Summarize result (50%)

Hello, my name is [Your Name] and I search on a project investigating the link between AUM students' eating habits and their health status. Today, I'd like to present our proposed survey to the IRB for your approval.
This research aims to understand the dietary choices of AUM students and how those choices might be related to their overall health. We'll be using a survey to gather information about students' typical food intake, portion sizes, frequency of meals, and any dietary restrictions they may have.
We must mention that the survey will be self-administered, likely online using a platform like SurveyMonkey to allow for anonymous participation. Additionally, online surveys are efficient and cost-effective.
A key challenge lies in ensuring a representative sample. We plan to target all AUM student groups through email and social media announcements.
In addition, to ensure validity, we'll use validated scales and questions related to dietary habits and health status. We will also emphasize informed consent, data confidentiality, and the right to withdraw at any point.
Moreover, the survey will be accessible on various devices and will offer options for those with visual or auditory impairments. We'll also be mindful of cultural sensitivity in food vocabulary and avoid any questions that could be perceived as offensive.
After data collection, responses will be anonymized and stored securely. We plan to analyze the data using statistical software and present the findings in a report.
Additionally, in this survey we will incorporate a mix of question formats. Here are some examples:
 Multiple choice: "How often do you typically eat fruits and vegetables?" (Daily, Weekly, Rarely, Never)
 Likert scale: "To what extent do you agree with the statement 'I prioritize healthy eating habits'?" (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
 Open-ended: "Please describe any dietary restrictions you currently follow, if any." Thank you for your time and consideration. We believe this survey offers a valuable

opportunity to explore the link between AUM student eating habits and health while maintaining ethical practices and participant confidentiality. We look forward to your

Original text

Hello, my name is [Your Name] and I search on a project investigating the link between AUM students' eating habits and their health status. Today, I'd like to present our proposed survey to the IRB for your approval.
This research aims to understand the dietary choices of AUM students and how those choices might be related to their overall health. We'll be using a survey to gather information about students' typical food intake, portion sizes, frequency of meals, and any dietary restrictions they may have.
We must mention that the survey will be self-administered, likely online using a platform like SurveyMonkey to allow for anonymous participation. Additionally, online surveys are efficient and cost-effective.
A key challenge lies in ensuring a representative sample. We plan to target all AUM student groups through email and social media announcements.
In addition, to ensure validity, we'll use validated scales and questions related to dietary habits and health status. We will also emphasize informed consent, data confidentiality, and the right to withdraw at any point.
Moreover, the survey will be accessible on various devices and will offer options for those with visual or auditory impairments. We'll also be mindful of cultural sensitivity in food vocabulary and avoid any questions that could be perceived as offensive.
After data collection, responses will be anonymized and stored securely. We plan to analyze the data using statistical software and present the findings in a report.
Additionally, in this survey we will incorporate a mix of question formats. Here are some examples:
 Multiple choice: "How often do you typically eat fruits and vegetables?" (Daily, Weekly, Rarely, Never)
 Likert scale: "To what extent do you agree with the statement 'I prioritize healthy eating habits'?" (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
 Open-ended: "Please describe any dietary restrictions you currently follow, if any." Thank you for your time and consideration. We believe this survey offers a valuable

opportunity to explore the link between AUM student eating habits and health while maintaining ethical practices and participant confidentiality. We look forward to your

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