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MOOCs have not yet been recognised for credit on a systematic basis by UK higher education institutions.In England, the process for recognising prior learning is covered by the Quality Assurance Agency's quality code and guidance on academic credit arrangements, and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have equivalent frameworks in place.Individual institutions may assess a student's prior learning for entry onto a course and potentially allow a student to articulate onto different stages of a course, with prior learning counting toward the final award.In practice the frameworks are 'Broad, overarching and advisory, allowing higher education institutions to adopt and adapt elements
as appropriate to their needs and circumstances'8.

Original text

MOOCs have not yet been recognised for credit on a systematic basis by UK higher education institutions. Individual institutions may assess a student’s prior learning for entry onto a course and potentially allow a student to articulate onto different stages of a course, with prior learning counting toward the final award. Assessment is carried out on a case-by-case basis based on the learning outcomes required for the course including its volume, process and intellectual demand. In England, the process for recognising prior learning is covered by the Quality Assurance Agency’s quality code and guidance on academic credit arrangements, and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have equivalent frameworks in place. In practice the frameworks are ‘Broad, overarching and advisory, allowing higher education institutions to adopt and adapt elements
as appropriate to their needs and circumstances’8.
Other formal credit recognition and articulation arrangements have also been established between independent online providers (such as Straighter
Line) and higher education institutions in the United States. Similar to the ACE CREDIT model, these arrangements allow students to complete introductory courses independently and at a lower cost that can subsequently be recognised for credit toward a full award at a participating higher education institution.
In the past, articulation arrangements in the UK have typically been orientated toward students moving between higher education institutions. However, comparable arrangements are developing in the
UK around face-to-face pre-sessional courses for international students taught by third parties
who can then move directly into credit-bearing portions of a higher education programme.

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